Willkommen – Bienvenue – Welcome

Graduate Academy SERIOR (SEcurity-RIsk-ORientation)…

the project has ended. However, the network continues in various forms. This website remains as an archive and introduction to the network. If you have any questions concerning the network you can contact the following two persons:

  • Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz, former head of the project SERIOR and point of contact for inquiries concenring natural and technical sciences;
  • Dr. habil. Jacqueline Breugnot, former member of the project SERIOR and point of contact for inquiries concerning social sciences and humanities.

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SERIOR offers trinational training programmes (Germany, France, Switzerland) to PhD students and postdocs: scientific training and mentoring in summer schools and lecture series as well as a praxis oriented program for knowledge and technology transfer. From 2016 to 2019 Graduate Academy SERIOR's thematic focus is on risk management in the context of the trinational Upper Rhine region.

Our approach to risk management is structured by three core areas: "security", "risk" and "orientation" allow to comprehend risk management as a complex interplay of

  • understanding the cultural differences in subjective perceptions of security and risk
  • objectifying risk assessment through the methods of natural sciences
  • gaining orientation with a view to multifaceted risk communications and in the face of differing conceptions of risks and securities.


Kompetenz - Abschätzung - Kommunikation: Drei Aspekte des Risikomanagements am Oberrhein erleben

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"TENDENCIES IN PUBLIC CIVIL SECURITY LAW" by Prof. Dr. Ralf Poscher, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Director of the Department of Philosophy of…

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"Cooperation in crise management" by Prof. Dr. Frank Fiedrich Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Lehrstuhl für Bevölkerungsschutz, Katastrophenhilfe und…

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