SERIOR Manuals and further scientific publications

SERIOR Manuals

In order to facilitate cross-border research projects in the field of risk management in the future, the project staff of the Graduate Academy SERIOR developed a total of three manuals on the key challenges of cross-border research in the field of risk management (risk perception, risk assessment, risk communication). These manuals are interdisciplinary and multilingual guides to relevant problems and meaningful, proven methods with templates and standards for doctoral qualification.

Download option of selected items will be available soon.

Further scientific publications

  • Fungicides: An Overlooked Pesticide Class?
    Jochen Peter Zubrod, Mirco Bundschuh, Gertie Arts, Carsten Brühl, Gwenaël Imfeld,
    Anja Knäbel, Sylvain Payraudeau, Jes Jessen Rasmussen, Jason Rohr, Andreas
    Scharmüller, Kelly L Smalling, Sebastian Stehle, Ralf Schulz, and Ralf Bernhard Schäfer