Knowledge and technology transfer

Risk management in practice – with a series of events and with a data base for contacts Graduate Academy SERIOR’s programme for knowledge and technology transfer provides a platform for exchange between scientific and non-scientific stakeholders.  On the one hand, this allows companies, NGOs or representatives from politics and administrations to access the scientific services they require, on the other hand young researchers gain a privileged connection to the labour market of the Upper Rhine region.

In 2017 and 2018 events for knowledge and technology transfer will take place at each of the six universities that participate in Graduate Academy SERIOR.

Is your company, administration or NGO interested in participating in Graduate Academy SERIOR’s knowledge and technology transfer?

Please get in touch with Irene Lamberz (contact data base) and Christoph Müller (series of transfer events).

Graduate Academy SERIOR’s programme for knowledge and technology transfer is designed by the Central Institute for Scientific Entrepreneurship & International Transfer (ZIFET) and the Centre for competences in studies and career (KSB) at Universität Koblenz-Landau in cooperation with the SERIOR partner universities.

Networking data base

Irene LamberzKompetenzzentrum für Studium und Beruf (KSB)

Events - Knowledge and technology transfer

Christoph MüllerZentrales Institut für Scientific Entrepreneurship & International Transfer (ZIFET)

+49-(0)6341-280-37260 / +49-(0)261-287-2324